my other lover

I probably was gay during my last lifetime. Only one good reason I can think of why I keep hanging out with these people even though I'm straight.
Okay, okay...fine. I have bi tendencies. But that's only because females are prettier to look at than guys.
Okay, okay...fine. I take that back. Some females are prettier to look at than guys.
Because most guys that like guys take better care of themselves than some girls that are straight.
Yet another reason for hanging out with gay people. If only for the uber wickedness that they exude on the surface. Best eye candy without that annoying obvious bitch factor that I often see in some hot girls.
Plus, I can dress in my sluttiest outfit and nobody would mind. Joke, joke, joke lang po. Or not.
So yeah, flipflops in tow, I headed out towards gay street otherwise known as Davie. I have to wait for Alfred yet again to show up. It seems I'm always waiting for that guy.
He finally showed up around a little bit past one in the afternoon. We still have to snake around the crowd to find the best spot. It's like walking inside a maze, only that it reeks of sweat.
Anyway, I'm too lazy to type details. Here's what happened in fast forward mode...
*** had to ask other hotties to pose and take pictures with Alfred.
***had to walk back and forth to freaking drive the car from one parking spot to the next. i hate crowds ( except moshpit kinda crowds).
***had to wait for a seat at this grill. only to be seated next to their kitchen. feels like we're the ones being cooked.
***had to line up to get inside this club. i hate bouncers. even though we're the only ones outside because everybody's inside already, he still made us wait. i hate waiting.
***had to stare at one gay guy's boob while his friend pats my bumbum. i'd post that picture but i don't want you guys to hurl out your dinner just in case you're reading this while eating.