narcissus in drag

some kinda wonderful,yeah!



I just realized, that I am a schizo. In my quest for perfection and balance I've become not one, but two perhaps three persons. Examine the following evidences in various instances.

Polaroid number one, taken at 11:30 p.m., Sunday. Clad in a crisp, clean uniform this girl was captured in motion. Her hair is immaculately neat, face pleasantly enhanced by make-up.There is a slight blur around her figure, perhaps due to the fact that she doesn't stop for anyone or anything, slowing down only to curtly remind the photographer that taking pictures inside her work place is strictly prohibited.

There is that working girl, calm and lucid at all times, trying to embody professionalism. She is polished and almost always has a smile on her face for even the most difficult of clientele. Never unfazed with rowdy players whom she categorizes as occupational hazards, she also has infinite patience for those that try to prove their masculinity by hitting on her.

Polaroid number two, taken at 12:15 a.m., Monday. The caption shows the same girl, sitting amongst peers, playing big two, mouth wide open in a frozen laugh, head in a noogie, pink fingernails digging unto her co-workers hands. It was later known that the said co-worker was badly beaten by our heroine. Also the words " you just got raped with a broken beer bottle"were heard during the game.

She's the baby brother of them all, one that's easy going, playful. Often, because she's considered the youngest and the least of all threats, probably due to her trusting nature to the point of gullibility, people open up to her. They'd tell her stories because she'd listen, even stories that are best kept to themselves. Ick.

Polaroid number three, taken around 10:00 p.m., Sunday. It depicts her in edgy clothes, bordering on boyish, music from the mini ipod in her jeans pocket blaring in her ears. Her face is devoid of any make-up, she looks so young, could be mistaken for sixteen. She is unattached, seemingly uncaring about her surroundings. Her eyes offer no smile, offer no solace. They advertise one message- touch me and die.

She was seen entering the casino, without her uniform and badge as she always does. But this time, the security guard did not recognize her, demanded for her identification form thinking she was a minor. Rammstein was blaring in her ears, consciousness dead to the world save that unintelligible German music. She could care less. There's still thirty minutes before she'd become this whore, selling an addicting form of entertainment to whomever would willingly bite at the first opportune moment. And so she walked on in defiance of the present authority, her pace never slacking despite her dropping the comment that she works in the facility.

And that's when the trouble began. You see, the problem with various personas is in management. Sometimes the brain is tricked and simply forgets or chooses to forget. Sometimes, it's tired of compartmentalizing things, of choosing which is best for the situation. And in those instances wherein reason is suffocated by simple instinct, the true self will emerge. Someone that will surely be a complete asshole when people are being idiots.


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