narcissus in drag

some kinda wonderful,yeah!


somebody else got fired

Guilt takes over every time. As well as that certain familiar feeling, that one little voice in my head that says " Hey, we got away with it". Or did I?

I've been dreading going to work, or talking to one of the managers. I didn't want to see them or them to talk to me, fearing they'd tell me I'm not working today and that I should never come back.

That happened to one of my acquaintances. I don't know if he really wants to be fired or what, but I think something inside him really snapped. He is a fairly nice guy, soft-spoken as far as I know. Maybe he just couldn't handle it anymore. Or maybe it got into his head, that he is a good dealer, that he is one of the supervisor's friends, that he is untouchable.

As for me, I'm still working. My name's still on the schedule for two weeks and hopefully, nobody would tell me to "fuck off" in a diplomatic manner.


Saturday came and went and then I went to the club again. Paulette, one of my co-workers, dragged me to go out with her and other friends. We went to Luce's. I thought it'd be one of those seedy clubs but when we were inside, I was smiling. I'm giving it a ten for swankiness. The place is certainly posh, one of the best clubs I've been in when it came to the interior.

However, I had to ask this when midnight came- where's your groove at? Usually, midnight's the turning point. That's the time when people are tipsy enough to go crazy on the dance floor. But the poshly dressed crowd just stood there and swayed to the music.

An hour or so after, Paulette and I were already bored. Time to hit the poker room. It's been months since I tried to blend into the scene and I realized I didn't miss it at all.


Poker is my life. Even on my days off, it seems like I can't get enough of it. And it's not only me. The virus has spread and my co-workers are as sick as me.

We spent Sunday at Ryan's house battling against each other for a few dollars. I came in second at our mini-tournament. We went at it again for five dollars and this time, yours truly took it all. I was lucky that night.


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