narcissus in drag

some kinda wonderful,yeah!


number cruncher

There is safety in numbers. Not to mention that stability of cubicle life. Plus, the money I'm earning right now would not be enough for my depraved lifestyle.

So I decided to go back to school and become a number cruncher. So far, my fickle mind is telling me that this is the way to go.

However, my doubts are rendering me speechless. I never failed in anything I've studied for since my pride won't let me accept failure. This gigantic balloon head of mine housing an equally enormous ego would literally explode if I can't cut it in the corporate arena. That and the thought of waking up one day and realizing that I may hate what I do for a living.

But I already paid for the application fee. There is no turning back now.

So here I am, staring at my blank electronic paper, trying to summon words and the courage to start this stupid letter of intent-one of the required documents to support my application. I am trying to bullshit my way through this but I can't even find a word to start with.

Wish me luck as I surf the web for inspiration-trendy business outfits for my first day in the office after two bloody years of being a hungry student.


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