narcissus in drag

some kinda wonderful,yeah!


katamaran unedited

Supposed to meet up with Mayuka today. Got lazy. Even lazier typing this.

Actually I only had four hours of sleep on the account that I had to wake up 'early' so that I'd be able to hook up with her in downtown vancity. I was half-awake wishin' I was baked talking to her on the phone to tell her I'm not motivated enough to get out of bed. Supposed to get a haircut, too. My hair needs trimming. And maybe highlights. Or even a brand spanking new color. Though I've to prepare for years on end to support that habit if I'm to start messing with my hair.

I digress.

Hmm...wasn't that the point of this blog, anyway? To ramble on and on about the little incidents that pepper my otherwise pointless existence.

That sounded pathetic. Maybe I'm clinically depressed.

I don't know why I'm lazy. I feel like I'm about to burst with energy my body hurts just sitting down and tap tapping away at the keys. Maybe it's just because of the damn season. No wonder these north americans get bloated. With cold days like these, you just wanna stay at home, curl up in front of a warm fire or radiator and stare at the telly while munching on micky d's special of the day. Be fascinated by people living their imaginary lives while you sit there and grow fat lumps. Makes me wonder why I'm still made of skin and bones when what I've been doing day in and day out is sleep and more sleep, occasionally work (did I spell occasionally right?).

Soon as everything thaws out, I should force myself to take them driving lessons three days a week, enroll in some whatever class so I'd be doing something else other than getting excited while waiting for my favorite shows to finish downloading.


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